In-Person Assistance Dog Training Throughout West Midlands and South Staffordshire

Access Disability Services is changing lives throughout Staffordshire and the West Midlands. We are a charity with the primary aim of helping disabled people train their dogs to become qualified Assistance Dogs. All of this is achieved with positive and reward based techniques that are fun for both the handler and the dog. Your dog, when trained, will be able to help you with daily tasks so you can live your life in the way you want to.
Legally recognised as 'auxiliary aids' in UK Equality Law, Assistance Dogs have right of access to all public places and services. Choosing us to help you train your dog removes access barriers so you have more control over your life. This will help you with:
Daily living tasks inside and outside the homeï‚·
Increase independence
Physical health (hospital, GP, outpatients appointments)
Mental Health
Well being and mindfulness
Confidence building
Reducing isolation
Social contact and friendships
Travel and getting around
Religious and cultural needs
How do we do this?
After an initial assessment, we create an individual training plan based on your needs. We make sure you have the right level of help to train your dog to provide for your specific disability, at your pace. You are at the heart of our service.
We are unique as we help all people with a disability; physical, mental, sensory, learning or emotional, with a variety of training methods. We will provide the level of training that matches your disability needs and timescale. You simply subscribe to our 'In-Training' package following a successful assesment and we will provide the training material, videos, paperwork, in-person training, Public Access days, workshops etc. Once qualified, you just transfer your subscription from 'In-Training' to 'Qualified' and you wil be able to dress your dog in one of our 'Access Required by Law' coats and you will receive your ID and registration book, as well as access to our Access Refusal Resolution Hotline.
See our Services page for the help we give to secure disability benefits, especially Personal Independence Payments (PIPS) and Direct Payments, to cover the additional costs of disability.
We are a skilled, highly qualified team of trainers and disability experts with a wealth of experience. Learn about our qualifications, experience, excellent reputation and track record of success in About Us.
In addition, we help employers meet their legal obligations with bespoke disability training. This not only makes you lawful but makes good business sense by expanding your customer base. Check our Services page.